Sunday, December 13, 2009

MiMi and Henry enter a "winter wonderland"

This weekend, grandpa and MiMi picked up Henry and drove over to Navy Pier to visit "Winter Wonderland." What a wonder it was! Lots of Christmas trees, a great choo-choo train ride that Henry didn't want to leave. A fun merry-go-round. Maybe this can become a tradition.... go between 4 and 5 p.m., before the crowd.

On the beach

Uncle Casey sent over a few more "keepers" from our trip to Hilton Head for Thanksgiving and cousin Heather's 40th birthday surprise party.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The tide pool toddler

Henry and grandpa look for life in Hilton Head's tide pools.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Henry at Hilton Head

Famous alligator hunter Henry Green comes in from a day at the beach.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Henry hunts alligators (or vice versa) at Hilton Head Island!

For Thanksgiving this year, some of us went to Hilton Head Island in South Carolina where we surprised cousin Heather with a 40th birthday party. It rained every day, but we were fortunate to get Henry to the beach a couple of times.

A little scared at first, by the second time you'll see, Henry, that you were no longer afraid to get your feet wet.

Notice the baby alligator crawling across the bottom of the photo!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Trick or Treat, Elliot style

West Bradley Place: Where the wild things are!

Trick or Treat, Henry style

Our next Chicago Blackhawk.

Looking for the perfect jack-o-lantern

Elliot, Henry and Cousin Edie take a spin around the patch looking for the perfect pumpkins for Halloween.

Henry's Daddy catches the big one!

On a trip down Mexico way, Henry's Daddy goes fishing and snares a 250-pound tuna! That's a lot of sandwiches!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Family Swoyer a la 2009

There's more here than meets the eye, as Henry seems to know. Elliot is going to have a new baby brother/sister next time we take a photo like this!

"I like to dream, yes...."

"Well, you don't know, what we can see... why don't you tell your dreams to me.... fantasy will set you free."

Uncle Casey takes you around the ABQ house on a magic carpet ride.

Cousin R. Thomas Berner

Cousin Judy Berner

This is cousin Judy Berner, who is the daughter of the sister of your Great Grandma Swoyer (grandpa's Mom). Cousin Judy bears a striking resemblance to Great Grandma Swoyer.

Cousin Lyn Berner

The boys spy a HUGE MONSTER at the Albuquerque Zoo

MiMi, Casey, Grandpa, Henry and Elliot went to the Albuqu-
erque Zoo one day while Moms and Dads drove up to SANTA Fe.

While at the Zoo, it would be fun to say you boys spied a huge monster. Alas, here you are, watching intently as a little girl enjoys a candy bar.

A fun oasis in the high desert

In early September, lots of us headed to Albuquer-
que, New Mexico, for a fun-filled long weekend in the high desert, where MiMi and grandpa have a home.

Uncle Casey flew in from Brooklyn, Mommy and Daddy came with Elliot, Mommy and Daddy came with Henry, the cousins Berner stopped by for a barbeque.

Lots of fun!

Grandpa had a pool installed in the backyard so the boys could enjoy some quiet time together.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

If she could, Grandma Bohling just might take Henry along on her return trip to the U.K.

Who is that lady w/ Henry and Daddy and why is Daddy dressed that way?!

That's not Lady Macbeth! It's Grandma Bohling, who came for a visit (w/Grandpa Bohling) to see how Henry is getting along. And to see Daddy, who was acting in the play "Macbeth." Daddy played Banquo and was the star of the show!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mother's Day '09 MiMi and Jessica

Another Daddy/Daughter Dinner

I got to enjoy another dinner with your mommys this week. We went to the Fiddlehead Cafe in Lincoln Square. I love this place!

Afterward, we walked up the street for some ice cream. The Moms were in good spirits and, again, we had an agenda of items to discuss. These dinners are good for food, to focus on things and moving them forward -- just like a business meeting!

This photo is taken with my Blackberry cell phone, so it's a little out of focus. But if you look carefully you can still detect a bit of a twinkle in Cobey's eye, can't you?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Henry sleeps over

Henry, you spent last Friday and Grandpa's and MiMi's in Evanston. This was your first sleep over at our house. We had so much fun with you! You went for a long walk and played with the kids on the block. You were very curious about lawn mowers. You ate and.... you had a bath, just like Elliot when he slept over for the first time (see similar photo elsewhere on this blog).

Best of all, you woke up at 5:45 the next morning! You and I walked over to Starbuck's for a Tall coffee and to buy the Sun-Times. A beautiful morning.

Best of all, best of all, you took a nap at 8:15! We all slept until mommy called and woke us up at 9:15 (otherwise, I think we might've slept until noon).

We enjoyed having you!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Elliot walks; Up next: He walks on water!

Here's some video of you taking your very first steps in your home.

This past weekend, you came to grandpa's and MiMi's for Father's Day and walked up and down the street without any help at all.

You and cousin Henry will be running marathons very soon, we're sure.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Some photos from Henry's first birthday party, held at MeMe's beautiful home in Barrington.

A busy Elliot at play in Evanston.

Elliot's first sleep-over at Grandpa's and MiMi's

Mark this down: On June 23, Elliot had his first sleep-over at Grandpa's and MiMi's in Evanston.

You were the PERFECT child! You ate well, went down for naps and bed without a fuss, toured the entire house (upstairs and downstairs). Loved the cats. Loved playing and watching all that happens outside the living room window.

And MiMi played lifeguard while you had a bath!

Oh, you also like to watch cartoons! We look forward to the next occasion.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

HENRY! Today we celebrate the day you were born!

Happy Birthday, Mr. Big Stuff! This is your second birthday. Your first birthday was one year ago today. You were born May 27, 2008 at 8:46 p.m. at Prentice Women's Hospital in Chicago. You weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce and were 20 inches long.

I remember the day!

Your daddy called us at home in the early evening and said, "Hi, guess where we are?" Hmmmm..... well seeing as how I'd received one of these kiinds of calls before -- only 10 weeks earlier from your cousin Elliot's daddy on the night he was born..... I replied, "Are you at the hospital to have a baby?"

Your mommy had been in labor with you for a long time, since the day before. She felt like something was up but really couldn't believe the time had come for your entrance. On Tuesday her contractions began getting more frequent, with your daddy timing them with his Iphone stopwatch.

Alas, the baby docs weren't in any hurry. "Call back later," they said. You see, you still weren't due to be born for another 3.5 weeks!

Aunt Cobey came over to your mom's and dad's house to go out for lunch. Mommy kept having contractions all throughout lunch so Cobey, the seasoned pro, said, "I think this is the real deal, Jess!"

Mommy called the docs again and they said to come to the hospital. "Peanut (mommy called you Peanut until you were born) is on his/her (we still didn't know if you were a boy or girl) way!"

Your daddy and mommy got to the hospital around 3:30, fearful they'd be sent back home. But, instead, found out you were real close to being born. Dom texted your grandma in England, who was also waiting for news of cousin Jasmine's arival (she was due before you but arrived 10 days later).

Calls were made all around, including to me. Everything was in motion (especially you).

Mommy was brought upstairs at the hospital to the delivery room. Hooked up on an IV. Had another exam and she was progressing really well-no meds. By 6pm the doctor broke her water and at 6:30 she had an epidural. She shivered as a result of the drugs, but man were they effective.

MiMi and I arrived around then. MeMe and Cobey were also there. We waited.

By 8pm the doctor said the big push would begin in a half hour. And it did.

AND YOU KNOW WHAT??????!!!!!!!!

By 8:46 pm YOU WERE HERE!

Your mommy looked down as the doctor held him up and saw your little willy and she cried "it's a boy!"

You cried and had a deep voice. You slept lots. Mommy tried nursing but it wasn't very easy at first and the nurse said your blood sugar was low so they gave you some formula at first. By the way, you were a good eater then, too!

Your daddy ran into the waiting room as if he'd just scored a football goal, arms above his head, smile on his face, and shouting, "It's a boy!"

Everyone came in to say hello. Dom's friend Sean was the only non-family member there. Uncle Casey arrived just in time.

There is a great photo of all that were there and some day I hope to post it here.

Your mommy tells me that when you guys were upstairs in your final room around 2 or 3 am daddy was asleep, the nurse had been in to check on you and mommy could not sleep. She unfolded your swaddle and put you against her chest and just cried (happy tears). You guys bonded as you will the rest of your long lives.

When you were brought home there were flowers waiting in the house and on your porch stoop was written in blue sidewalk chalk " It's a boy!"

Word is, you've been a very easy baby and a very lovely little boy.

What a wonderful world! Happy birthday!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Daddy-Daughters Dinner

Last night I had dinner with your mommys. We've started a monthly Daddy/Daughter dinner, where just the three of us get together for some quality time.

Great idea!

We came to the table with some specific things to talk about (like holiday planning) and then just let the conversation flow. (Table No. 5 at Francesca's on Bryn Mawr is perfect for quiet converations.)

It was an opportunity for me to see how beautiful your moms have become. (I wish I could find a photo of the two of them together, but I don't have one on my computer. Stay tuned. Geez, I coulda taken one with my phone last night, but didn't think of it.)

The dinner also reminded me of how much your moms love food!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Elliot's first birthday party and a walk with Grandpa

Hi Elliot,

Yesterday, your mom and dad had a birthday party for you at your home on Bradley Place.

Beautiful day (spring is in the air). Lots of people. And one of the best-tasting birthday cakes in America.

But best of all, though, you and I had a chance to go for a walk (well, as you can see here you didn't actually walk.... I pushed you in your stroller).

As we walked, you'd point at things and go, "Ahblah!" And I asked, "What are you telling me about those things you're looking at?" And you said, "Ablah!" Which clearly explained your thoughts, of course.

You had a long day. Lots of presents. Lots of love.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ELLIOT! Today we celebrate the day you were born!

Happy Birthday, fella! This is your second birthday. Your first one was one year ago today. You were born March 18, 2008 at 11:07 p.m. at Prentice Women's Hospital in Chicago. You weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and were 19 inches long.

I remember the day! I was driving home from a meeting. Your dad called me on my cell phone about 5 o'clock in the evening. Your dad told me he and your mom were on the way to the hospital!

I smiled a big smile (ear-to-ear) all the way home to give Melba (MiMi) the exciting news. We called Uncle Casey and let him know.

We all went down to the hospital to help greet you to the world. Used to be, moms and dads had their babies pretty much by themselves when they went to the hospital. Nowadays, it really is a family affair. In addition to me, MiMi and Uncle Casey, MeMe and Paul were there, as was Grandma Joyce and Grandpa Jeff and Aunt Kari and Aunt Jessica and Uncle Dom.

Oh, and I guess you could say Cousin Henry was there, too! He was hiding, though. Getting set for his own grand entrance in another 10 weeks.

Just before you popped out, we got to visit with your mom for a bit. Then we had to leave -- go the waiting room while your mom and dad helped the doctor and nurse bring you into the world.

I was standing in the hallway when your daddy walked up to me, gave me a big hug and said, "It's a boy!" Everyone screamed with joy! Think I'm kidding? My ears are still ringing!

You are such a lucky little boy! You're loved by at least a million people. I'm so looking forward to watching you grow up!

Happy Birthday!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Come Together

This blog is for you, my grandchildren. It's posted by me, your grandfather on the Swoyer side of the family.

You were born into large, extended families. As of today and this post, there are two of you, Henry and Elliot, born in '08. I would suspect we'll have new members to this exclusive club at points down the road.

I'll keep this up for as long as I can. I expect to live to 100, so we have time (I'm 58). If I make it to 100, Henry and Elliot will be in their 40s when we celebrate my big birthday. Everyone is invited and I want to thank my kids in advance for throwing me such a wonderful party!

I can provide you with only my perspective of you and your lives. But I hope to be able to introduce you to many people and things you should know. If I miss someone or something immediately, give me time.

This weblog is the result of so many, many things falling into one place. Some of those things:
  • a lifetime of wanting to write but fearing there was little to write about
  • two great daughters marrying wonderful mates
  • a special request -- from one of those daughters -- for personal words to describe how I feel about being a grandpa
  • my son's own blog and his gift for writing.
It's fascinating how things come together to form something else, something so beautiful. Like grandkids.