Monday, June 29, 2009

Henry sleeps over

Henry, you spent last Friday and Grandpa's and MiMi's in Evanston. This was your first sleep over at our house. We had so much fun with you! You went for a long walk and played with the kids on the block. You were very curious about lawn mowers. You ate and.... you had a bath, just like Elliot when he slept over for the first time (see similar photo elsewhere on this blog).

Best of all, you woke up at 5:45 the next morning! You and I walked over to Starbuck's for a Tall coffee and to buy the Sun-Times. A beautiful morning.

Best of all, best of all, you took a nap at 8:15! We all slept until mommy called and woke us up at 9:15 (otherwise, I think we might've slept until noon).

We enjoyed having you!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Elliot walks; Up next: He walks on water!

Here's some video of you taking your very first steps in your home.

This past weekend, you came to grandpa's and MiMi's for Father's Day and walked up and down the street without any help at all.

You and cousin Henry will be running marathons very soon, we're sure.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Some photos from Henry's first birthday party, held at MeMe's beautiful home in Barrington.

A busy Elliot at play in Evanston.

Elliot's first sleep-over at Grandpa's and MiMi's

Mark this down: On June 23, Elliot had his first sleep-over at Grandpa's and MiMi's in Evanston.

You were the PERFECT child! You ate well, went down for naps and bed without a fuss, toured the entire house (upstairs and downstairs). Loved the cats. Loved playing and watching all that happens outside the living room window.

And MiMi played lifeguard while you had a bath!

Oh, you also like to watch cartoons! We look forward to the next occasion.