Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Family Swoyer a la 2009

There's more here than meets the eye, as Henry seems to know. Elliot is going to have a new baby brother/sister next time we take a photo like this!

"I like to dream, yes...."

"Well, you don't know, what we can see... why don't you tell your dreams to me.... fantasy will set you free."

Uncle Casey takes you around the ABQ house on a magic carpet ride.

Cousin R. Thomas Berner

Cousin Judy Berner

This is cousin Judy Berner, who is the daughter of the sister of your Great Grandma Swoyer (grandpa's Mom). Cousin Judy bears a striking resemblance to Great Grandma Swoyer.

Cousin Lyn Berner

The boys spy a HUGE MONSTER at the Albuquerque Zoo

MiMi, Casey, Grandpa, Henry and Elliot went to the Albuqu-
erque Zoo one day while Moms and Dads drove up to SANTA Fe.

While at the Zoo, it would be fun to say you boys spied a huge monster. Alas, here you are, watching intently as a little girl enjoys a candy bar.

A fun oasis in the high desert

In early September, lots of us headed to Albuquer-
que, New Mexico, for a fun-filled long weekend in the high desert, where MiMi and grandpa have a home.

Uncle Casey flew in from Brooklyn, Mommy and Daddy came with Elliot, Mommy and Daddy came with Henry, the cousins Berner stopped by for a barbeque.

Lots of fun!

Grandpa had a pool installed in the backyard so the boys could enjoy some quiet time together.