Friday, December 19, 2014

Benny's Concert!

Benny meets with his biggest fans after his first concert.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Ollie!

Today we celebrate your birthday! You are 4! We love you so much! Take a look at how big you've become...



Monday, August 25, 2014

Elliot Is All Set for First Grade!

Elliot -- today you started first grade. Since you know so much about the US Presidents, maybe some day you'll be our greatest one! It's okay with me if that doesn't happen... You're still high on my list of Great Ones!

Things have changed since your first birthday!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Henry Begins the First Grade

Can it be true you've grown so fast that today you begin the first grade? We are so proud of you! Next you'll be King of the World!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Here Comes the Bride... and Jason... and Elliot... and Benny...

On May 10, 2014 your Aunt Kari and Uncle Jason were married at a wonderful ceremony in Peoria, IL.  Elliot and Benny took part and had a ball!  Here's to the happy bride and groom!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Your Great Uncle Bruce passed away recently...

A wonderful guy, he was Meme's older brother -- a true lover of animals.  You knew him.  And he knew you.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Boys will be boys

This was taken during the fun and festivities in San Francisco in honor of Ty's and Danielle's wedding.

Uncle Ty and Danielle tie the knot...

And you guys were there to see the whole thing.

The wedding happened on July 19 during a very special occasion in San Francisco. You'll remember this moment, I'm sure.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Henry's First Summer Job

Although it take millions of hours of hard work here's proof there's money to be made in community-supported agriculture. Henry earns his helping out on the family farm.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Elliot's Big Day -- Graduation from Kindergarten!

Big day today for Elliot -- he receives his diploma from kindergarten.  Nona offers her support -- just in case E has any hesitations about entering first grade next year.  Congratulations!

Jess and Boppa in France to Remember D-Day Invasion of WWII

Jess went to France with Boppa and other WWII vets to  commemorate the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. Your great grandfather is 92 in this photo and talked about having served in five European campaigns, some under Patton. He was shot in his side by a German soldier while fighting along the Moselle River in France. "I saw the guy," he says of the experience. "He was faster than I was, so he shot me. Went through my side and out my back." And he lived to tell the story and so much more -- without him, there'd be no you.

Your Great Grandfather Remembers WWII

Dick Duchossois shares lessons learned under fire in WWII

BY JON SEIDEL Staff Reporter May 25, 2014 (Chicago Sun-Times)

The memories come back to Dick Duchossois from time to time.

Stories about World War II he doesn’t necessarily want to hear, to think about — or even remember.

“But I think, if you’re going to go through life, you have to look at the future,” Duchossois said. “And remember what you learned.”

The chairman of Arlington Park and the Duchossois Group sat in a conference room Sunday as a large Memorial Day weekend crowd filed into the northwest suburban race track he has led since 1985. There he reflected on lessons he learned preparing for, and fighting on, European battlefields 70 years ago.

When he learned there is no second place.

About the “etiquette of trust.”

And how to react quickly — and correctly.

“Under fire is when you learn,” said Duchossois, 92. “You don’t have time to think. If you have to stop and think if you’re going to shoot that guy or move it, you’re dead before you get an answer. So you have to do it. And you have to train your mind to react. But you have to know how to react. So that’s where the training comes in.”

It was only recently that Duchossois said he began to think about those lessons, and how they’ve affected him decades after his release from active service as a major in 1946. On Wednesday, he plans to join other veterans traveling to France to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion.

“Some of my men who were under my command are in the cemetery over there in Normandy,” Duchossois said. “And I would like, if it’s not going to be too crowded, I would like to visit their graves.”

Duchossois graduated from Morgan Park Military Academy and attended Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va., until he was called to active military service in 1942 and became a company commander in a tank-destroyer battalion.

He served in five European campaigns, some under Gen. George S. Patton Jr. And while he did not participate in the D-Day invasion, he said he landed at Normandy some time later, when signs of the invasion could still be seen.

“That’s sort of hard to describe,” Duchossois said. “Most of the towns that we went through were pretty well leveled. There was a lot of equipment scattered all over — tanks, infantry equipment and regular fighting equipment — it was just scattered. You knew there had been a strong battle there.”

Duchossois said he was shot in his side by a German soldier while fighting along the Moselle River in France.

“I saw the guy,” Duchossois said. “He was faster than I was, so he shot me. Went through my side and came out my back.”

Serving under Patton, though, Duchossois noted that “the faster we moved and the harder we hit and the more surprising we hit, the fewer casualties we had. You push on as fast and as hard as you can.”

“You do the same thing in business,” Duchossois said. “If you’re going after something, you go after it. And you go after it strong and hard. The longer you delay, the more problems you’re going to have later on getting over the same ground.”

Duchossois said his military career taught him discipline, focus, responsibility and competition. Washington and Lee operated on an honor system run by the students, he said, and that taught him to respect others around him.

“You learned how to think and take care of the fellow next to you,” he said, “because you all work together as sort of a team.”

Finally, he said he learned how to make “the right decision in a hurry without having to fumble around.”

“We weren’t talking about dollars and cents and profitability,” Duchossois said. “We were talking about human lives.”

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Green Guys enjoy their first dinner in their new home

Looks to me like there are going to be many fun times at the new home. It'll be fun to watch you guys grow up here. Can't wait to visit.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Happy Birthday to Henry! You're 6 Today!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Henry!  Hard to believe you're already 6 years old!  This year, your birthday was held at Chuck E Cheese.  Small group -- Ollie, Benny, Elliot, Owen and Charlie -- but this was your second party for the week!  Your first one was held at your brand new home in Barrington!

What I hope you remember from the Chuck E Cheese party was the wind tunnel.  That is, what I hope you'll remember are the things your ever-loving Mom will do to make sure you have a good time.  You were a little reluctant to get into the wind tunnel by yourself.  So, Mommy got in with you!  See how much fun she is having!

Remember this if you ever happen to be angry with her for some silly reason.

This is what Moms do: mine (your great-grandmother) did for me; Mommy's Mom did it for her; Daddy's Mom did it for Daddy; Mimi did it for Uncle Casey; Aunt Cobey does it for Benny and Elliot.

It doesn't stop.  The loving.  Lucky, lucky you.  Happy Birthday!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Getting ready to bite into an Easter cupcake - 2014

Here's Ollie with Mommy at the country club for Easter 2014. Where's your napkin?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Higher Than a Kite, Henry Is - Easter 2014

The Struckmeyer Men Easter 2014

Where's Daddy's lollipop? This year, you guys went to Barrington Country Club for an Easter Egg hunt.  Hope those starched shirts didn't cut you!

For the boys who have everything!

Actually, this is your Daddy's first very own farm tractor.  We're looking forward to a great year for The Gentleman Farmer! 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Elliot!

You are 6 years old today!  Hard to believe you're growing up so fast.  If all goes as planned, this will be your last birthday in your Chicago home.  Wonder what you'll remember about your days there? I know they were happy. Now, you're getting set to move to Barrington for a whole new adventure. We love you!!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

HEY BULLDOG! "You can talk to me...."

Ollie joins the Beatles to sing their "Hey Bulldog."

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy Dom!

Happy Birthday Bennett! You're 4!

I missed your birthday post this year by a week, but you don't seem to be suffering much! Next year this time we'll check on all your wishes made this special day....