Saturday, December 9, 2017

Olliie! Today we celebrate the day you were born!

You're 7 today. We love you so much. This photo is from the day you invited me to your school as a guest VIP. I was so flattered! You can see it in my smile. You told the class (and the audience) all about me, including the time I "interviewed a 200-pound Siberian tiger."

Happy Birthday

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Happy Birthday ELLIOT! You're 9 today!

We celebrated your birthday with a wonderful family party last night. Today, you got up pretty early to SEE WHAT YOU GOT!!!!! It's a Lego Star Wars birthday! We love you.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Happy Birthday Bennett! You are 7 today!

You are the cheeriest little boy! You bring smiles to everyone you see!