Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to Henry and Ollie's daddy!

Like, I've said, it seems like every Daddy likes to toss their kid in the air (see post below this one)!

For the record: Grandpa is a daddy too!

One of the reasons I created this blog is so we have a central site to watch the grandkids grow up, from grandpa's point of view, of course.

Years from now, I predict you will be happy to have this site, like I'm happy to have this little movie clip of me being a daddy to Uncle Casey.

Seems every Daddy likes to throw their kids in the air!

BTW, two days ago, January 24, was Uncle Casey's 25th birthday. I believe this video is about 23 years old! For the record.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

BENNETT! Today we celebrate the day you were born!

Happy Birthday, Smiley! This is your second birthday. Your first one was one year ago today. You were born January 19, 2010 at 3:15 a.m. at Prentice Women's Hospital in Chicago. You weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces and were 20 inches long.

Compared with bro Elliot, your delivery came without too much pomp and circumstance. For one thing, you were born in the middle of the night (actually, early morning). For another, only you, mommy, daddy and the doc and nurses were on hand. Family came the next day.

Here's mommy's account of the Big Event:

"On January 18, 2010, I was lying in bed around 10 PM, and daddy was lying next to me watching the news.

"I had been feeling contractions for a few days, but suddenly got a strong one. Right then my water broke!

"I called the doctor and she said I should head to the hospital. Aunt Kari (Titi) came over to watch your big brother Elliot and we headed off to the hospital.

"By the time we got to Prentice (12ish), I was having really bad contractions. They made me go through Triage (a not fun waiting area for moms in labor) for about an hour.

"A nurse checked me finally and said we better head upstairs to the Labor and Delivery room. (I could have told them that when we first got there!)

"Daddy and I headed up to the delivery floor, and we got settled in our room. I was put on a waiting list for an epidural, as the contractions were getting bad!

"It was about 2 in the morning when we got to the room.

"Within the next hour I got and epidural (finally!) and you quickly arrived at 3:15am, a whopping 8 lbs. 3ounces, and 20 inches long!

"Another boy!!


"You always have a huge smile and are so friendly to everyone! We love you so much!!"

Indeed. Happy Birthday. Your smile is contagious!