Saturday, February 12, 2011

Agoo's Airport Adventure

On Feb. 6, Henry, Daddy and Agoo drove to O'Hare Airport to pick up Grandma Leslie and Alan, who were coming to the States from the UK for a visit (and for Grandma's special birthday on Feb. 9).

When they got to the airport, Daddy parked the car and he and Henry went inside to meet Grandma and Alan.

Somewhere along the way, Agoo decided he'd go on his own adventure. What did he do? We're not sure. But in all the excitement of picking up the grandparents and driving back home, Agoo got left behind.

Now, this might be the sad ending to some stories, but not this one.

At bedtime, that's when Henry realized Agoo was nowhere to be found. "Can't have that!" Henry cried. So, at Mommy's urging..... Daddy drove BACK TO THE AIRPORT, re-parked the car, retraced his steps....

AND THERE WAS AGOO!!!!!! Sitting on a railing, waiting to be found and taken home to his rightful place alongside Henry.

We can't help but believe that Agoo had the assistance of a wonderfully kindhearted stranger for his boost atop this perch. Wouldn't you agree? Who knows? Maybe, even, from the little boy who is with his own parents in this photo above. Isn't that a happy thing to imagine?

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