Saturday, February 20, 2016

SPENCER! Today we celebrate the day you were born!

You have been around 1 full year today! And we sure have enjoyed watching you getting big, bigger and bigger still! You are such a happy baby with a wonderful smile, brightening everyone's day.

Here's how Mommy remembers this day one year ago...

"My tummy was extra large with my third pregnancy.

"At 38 weeks, when you still hadn't arrived, I begged the doctor to induce me! Thank goodness he did! We decided to induce on February 20. Doctor Dan had me come into the hospital bright and early. 

"Your big brothers went to school and Mommy and Daddy went to the hospital. Dr. Dan broke my water and we thought you would come really soon after that, since your brothers came quickly. 


"You did not want to come out! I started to feel contractions that morning, and they got bad-so I got an epidural. We waited and waited all day long, so long, that the epidural started to wear off!

But still, no baby.

Finally, I started to feel really bad contractions. You decided it was time to come out! You were born at (TBD)  and guess what?

You were 9 pounds, 2 ounces! Such a BIG boy already!

Mommy and Daddy were not surprised you were a boy.

Elliot and Bennett had been waiting all day at school to hear about your arrival. It was almost bed time by the time they got to come meet you but how awesome it was! You were about to get your first bath when your big brothers walked into the room to meet you.

We have a photo of that moment. You are such a wonderful, happy baby and we love you so much!!!" 

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